15 Stay Active with Your Pup: Activities for Dog Mom Should Try

Activities for Dog Mom

Treat your furry friend to a day of fun activities as you both stay active and get some much-needed bonding time together. From leisurely hikes to running on the beach, there’s no shortage of great activities available for you and your pup that are sure to make lasting memories today and in the future. In this blog post, we will explore several activities for dog moms that are sure to engage and entertain you both!

Activities for dogs can help promote physical and mental health, increase energy, improve social bonding with other pups, and much more. Therefore, taking the dogs to participate in the activity is a good thing to do. We offer a variety of suggestions for activities for dog moms, activities for dog dads, and activities for dog lovers with their pups. Whether it’s Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, National Dog Day, or an ordinary day, adorable furry friends deserve some fun activities.

Activities for Dog Mom Should Try

1. Dog-Friendly Brunch

Dog-Friendly Brunch

Why not break the routine of your typical weekend activities and treat yourself to a dog-friendly brunch? With just a little bit of planning, there are plenty of places that offer something special for both brunchers and fur babies alike. So why not take advantage of it? Grab some friends, round up the leashes, and embark upon an epic adventure that will leave everyone smiling when brunch is over!

2. Take a long walk

Take a long walk

Our furry friends need daily exercise and stimulation. Taking a walk with your pup can be one of the most rewarding activities you can do together! Not only is it good fun for both of you to get out and explore, but it also provides important physical and mental benefits.

3. DIY Matching Shirt And Bandana

DIY matching shirt and bandana

Show your dog some extra love by taking a few hours one weekend to make them the perfect matching shirt and bandana! There’s something special about having an adorable outfit that you created for your pup, especially when it was made with so much care. Not only is this DIY activity super fun, but it also gives you quality bonding time with your furry friend. Crafting matching accessories together will give you lasting memories, increase the bond between you two, and of course look completely adorable in photos. Let’s get started on creating the perfect pair for your pup!

4. Unwind with a Spa Day

Unwind with a Spa Day

Does your dog need some rest and relaxation too? Well, why not treat them to a spa day? If you’re tired of the same old canine routine, switch things up with a spa day at home. By dedicating time towards giving just your pet the pampering treatment that he or she deserves, you will both be able to relax in comfort, all while learning more about one another’s needs.

5. Grooming


If you are a dog mom, it is important to make sure your pup stays healthy and happy. Grooming is an essential part of your dog’s care routine that should not be overlooked. Not only does regular grooming keep your fur baby looking neat and tidy, but also helps keep their coat shiny and skin healthy and free of parasites!

6. Get Down on the Farm

Get Down on the Farm

Heading to the farm is a great way to spend quality time with our fur babies. Whether you are looking for some doggie entertainment, easy exercise or just exploring the sights and smells of nature, activities on the farm provide an enriching experience that will be remembered long after your visit has come to its end! From swimming in ponds, chasing chickens or even riding tractors together, there’s no shortage of adventures your pup can join you on while visiting a nearby farm.

7. Boat tour

Boat tour

As a dog mom, you know that your furry friend loves to explore the outdoors and take in all of the sights of nature. But have you ever taken them out on a boat tour? A boat tour is an exciting activity for both of you that can make spending time together more memorable than just taking a leisurely walk through the park. With stunning views, plenty of fresh air, and a chance to get close-up with wildlife, it’s no wonder why so many people are choosing boat tours as their favorite way to unwind while still making sure their pup gets some quality playtime.

8. Picnic with Your Pup

Picnic with Your Pup

Who says picnics are just for humans? With the summer months in full swing, there’s no better time to take a break from your everyday life and plan an outdoor picnic with your pup! Whether you’re at the park or just in your own backyard, sunny days were made for lazy afternoons spent outdoors with your four-legged companion. Plus, planning activities that include your canine pal is great way to engage them both mentally and physically while creating some fun memories together. So dust off those picnic baskets – it’s time to get creative and plan a pup-friendly outdoor adventure!

9. Sniff and Search

Sniff and Search

Sniff and search activities are the perfect way to bond with your pup while also exercising their brain. Whether you have a big backyard or live in an apartment, these activities can easily be tailored to any environment. Not only do they help keep your dog exercised, but they improve problem-solving skills and train them on following commands all while reinforcing the bond between you two. So, if you’re looking for some fun ways to mix up your dog’s everyday routine, give a sniff and search games a try!

10. Go on a Shopping Spree at a Dog-Friendly Store

Go on a Shopping Spree at a Dog-Friendly Store

Are you a dog mom who loves to shop and spoil your furry companion? Or maybe you just want to do something special for your pup that doesn’t involve buying them yet another squeaky toy. Well, look no further because we’ve got the perfect activity – go on a shopping spree at a dog-friendly store together! From browsing through pet supplies to taking part in pet fashion shows, this is sure to be an unforgettable experience with your four-legged best friend.

11. Make Your Dog An Instagram Star

Make your dog an Instagram star

Your furry friend can often get bored easily if they don’t have something new and engaging to do on a daily basis. One way to make sure that doesn’t happen is by involving them in creative activities! Not only are the things listed below great ideas, but your pup can even become an Instagram star with some of these easy hacks! Whether you’re just getting started or already crafting cute photos of your pooch for social media, have got plenty of inspiring ideas from which you, as pet parents, can choose.

12. Park visit

Park visit

Visiting a park with your beloved four-legged best friend can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Spending quality time together outside of the home can help strengthen your bond and provide lasting memories for both you and your pup. Whether it’s going on long walks or engaging in fun activities, there are endless ways to keep entertained while enjoying nature’s beauty at any given park. Not only is this quality bonding time priceless but taking part in these activities offers great health benefits such as fresh air, sunshine, exercise, and mental stimulation…

13. Join Local Dog Events

Join Local Dog Events

If you’re a dog mom, the best thing in life is playing with your pup and spending quality time together. But what if we told you there was a way to make that even better? Joining local dog events! From special park activities, doggie fashion shows, competitions, and more; these are only some of the amazing activities you and your furry companion can enjoy together.

14. Time to Color

Time to Color

Does your pup have the energy to spare? Are you running out of ideas on how to burn off all that canine enthusiasm? If so, then look no further than coloring! Yes, really – even dogs can benefit from a little creative indulgence. While not exactly pup-proofed like other activities designed specifically for our furry friends, coloring is still an excellent and surprisingly entertaining option for dog moms or dads looking to relieve some stress and spend quality time with their pets. So grab your colors and get ready; it’s time to cater some color time just for you and your pooch!

15. Make Homemade Dog Treats

Make Homemade Dog Treats

Are you looking for a fun and delicious activity to do with your furry, four-legged best friend? If so, why not try making homemade dog treats together? Not only is it an excellent bonding experience between yourself and your pup, but the results are guaranteed to leave both of you drooling!

Staying active with your pup is an important part of the bond between you two. From playing catch at the park to hiking through the woods, it’s time to start trying out new activities with your pup. With a little extra planning and research, you can have a blast while living in the moment.

Not only will these lasting memories inspire others, but they also make timeless keepsakes for both of you to look back on during this special journey together. If you’re looking for more than just memories, there are plenty of thoughtful dog gifts available to shower your pup with love. Read more special gift ideas for Dog Moms today and bring some extra joy into your and your pup’s life.

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